I decided to name the planned Might and Magic VII remake Emerald World. Why? The first location in the original game is called the Emerald Island. Since the scope of the remake is likely to be just the island, at least as the start, hence the name of both the game and the blog series.
To completely remake the island, a good portion of the game mechanics must already be implemented:
- Two quests: mainline the Scavenger Hunt, and a side quest to find the missing contestants.
- Most merchants: Armor, Weapon, Tavern, Trainer, Healer, Magician, Alchemist and four Magic Guilds.
- A pedestal, several fountains, a contest.
- Two dungeons. Several chests.
- Several kinds of enemies.
To make it happen, I have started working on the necessary assets that will build up the world. To make working on them easier, along with the assets come the tools.
For example: for NPCs, here’s a short video of the current state. I have reused the existing sounds, portraits and conversation from the original.
I do have a couple more of such browsers in the making, for houses, awards, quests, and items. Likely, more are to come. The goal is to have them isolated, so that if one needs to work on quests, the access to them is th easiest – including buttons to “trigger” quest conditions.