Emerald World #2
Thanks to the quick and useful responses on the Celestal Heavens forum, I could extract the height map of the Emerald Island to recreate it in Godot. In order to do it: The height map, when copied into LibreCalc with value based colors gave the following, ok-ish looking result: The final result, imperfect but showing…
Emerald World #1
I decided to name the planned Might and Magic VII remake Emerald World. Why? The first location in the original game is called the Emerald Island. Since the scope of the remake is likely to be just the island, at least as the start, hence the name of both the game and the blog series.…
Might and Magic VII remake
Yes, I am one of the many chasing the childhood’s dream. I would like to recreate Might and Magic VII. I am not in any way affiliated with the current owners of the game. All I want to do, is to create the engine from scratch. Ideally, given an installation of the game, it would…
Hello world!
This is the first post of the blog. Let’s see how it goes and where it gets us. Take 2!